Top 5 Indestructible Ball Workouts Previous item Indestructible Balls...

Top 5 Indestructible Ball Workouts

When it comes to strength training, few fitness products provide a more challenging workout than Maxx Strength’s Indestructible Balls. Made from a high strength proprietary fiber, our Indestructible Balls can be thrown and slammed around during your workout without breaking. In addition to living up to its name, our Indestructible Balls also come equipped with excellent gripping technology, making your workout virtually foolproof. 

Whether you have already incorporated our Indestructible Balls into your exercise routine or need some convincing, here are the top 5 workouts you can do with Indestructible Balls. 

Single-Leg Squat 

Hold your Indestructible Ball firmly in front of your abdomen with both hands. Standing with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent, lift your right foot off of the ground and extend it forward. Lower your body into a squat with your knees positioned over your feet. Return to standing position and repeat this using your other leg. 


Lower yourself into a traditional push-up position, placing your hands on the Indestructible Ball. While keeping your core tight and chin lifted, slowly lower your chest toward the ball, keeping your elbows at your sides. Rise back up by pushing upward until your arms are fully extended, and repeat. 

Jumping Jacks 

Holding your Indestructible Ball firmly with both hands, jump while extending both legs out to each side while lifting the ball over your head. Bring the ball back down in front of your chest while resuming the standing position, then repeat. 

Overhead Lunges 

Standing with your spine straight, hold the Indestructible Ball over your head with your arms fully extended. Next, step forward while lowering your back knee to the ground, still holding the ball over your head. While doing this, make sure you’re keeping the shin of your front leg vertical. Resume your original position and repeat with the opposite leg. 

“Indestructible” Slams 

Standing with the Indestructible Ball on the floor in front of you, squat down and pick the ball off of the floor, keeping your back straight. Next, slam the ball back down to the ground using force. Catch the ball while it’s bouncing, and repeat. 

Bonus Tip: Pair your Indestructible Ball with Maxx Strength’s Wrecking Wall for a hardcore workout that will push you to your limits. 

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